Not only can you find lots of quotes in different categories and from different authors but you can also share them on FB and other social websites and you can save your favorite quotes! Great job!
Not only can you find lots of quotes in different categories and from different authors but you can also share them on FB and other social websites and you can save your favorite quotes! Great job!
There are many quote apps, but its the search mechanism and the feature of adding your own quotes that makes this app stands out
The best quote app ever. Waiting for an upgrade.
Lots of quotes with lots of ways to search and share them. One does wonder why there are so many quotes from Adolf Hitler and so few from, say, Richard Feynman. Quoting someone is, however, not automatically praising them, it might just be meant to document a twisted mind.
Its kool but I got the update and now it turns off whenever I try to read a quote or do random :(
Ive kept it as my Numero UNO app. Its unreal and I post to facebook everyday. Highly recommend it. No bugs. No crashes.
Tried to purchase the additional quotes with no ads and nothing happened, no download commenced, so looks like I just gifted these guys a $ unless they plan on refunding, so dont do the additional ppl is a freaking joke
This is a very great app but recently it seems to be having problems sending quotes to Twitter.
I love the quotes and that you can search by categories but, you can only have a certain number of favorites. Very limiting...
I downloaded this app to get REAL quotes! Instead I got things from random idiots! One of the quotes I read was "the two main problems in life are literature and chickens"! I mean WTF! DONT GET THIS APP IF YOU WANT REAL QUOTES! IF YOU WANT CRAP SOME BOZOS MADE UP, THEN GET IT!
the review(disapointed) seems to have skimmed quotes this app can inspire WHEN you look for the right quotes abd categories.
because I had this -Unknown : "Love is not something you feel, it is something you do."
Once I saw that his quotations were included, I couldnt get rid of this app fast enough.
It does not save your favorite quotes if you leave the app and not use it for a day
i dont see anything worng with it i love it its free to but you can delete you quotes pretty easy witch i dont like
The more I use it the more I am enjoying using it. So far it works & does everything it should.
I love this Quotes Ap! Its easy to use and there are so many. However there are spelling errors in some of them so I have to fix it. Other than that, I really like the "copy to pasteboard" button which helps me share it easily on sites like Facebook or my Tumblr blog. Its not a problem for searching or browsing a quote-- you can search by keyword, author name, browse authors, categories, random, etc. :) I love this Ap!
Here is a sample: -Ayatollah Khomeini : "A man can have sex with animals such as sheeps, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine."
This app crashes a lot.
Good. Crashes a lot and wont save my quotes. Please update soon :)